Date: 9/16/23 Time: 2:43pm Opening Prayer: Pastor Jr
Attendance: Amber Povey, Angel Dutton, Pastor Jr Skiver, Breezy Smith, Christen Chapin, Nancy Goff, Denny Goff Guest: JJ Rowell
President's Report: Received team list for weekend 27 from JJ (There will be meetings every Saturday in October). We need a Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary+ (to replace Amber), and teens! Pray for these things because come December, we will need new people in order to properly run our board. Angel is now a Spiritual Director!! Pray that she continues to receive the guidance she will need as she fills this position. And continue to pray for a director and co of the future weekends.
Spiritual Director's Report: Referencing Mathew 26: 16-20. Reminding us that God is the one in charge, as He knows the plans of our lives, and that we are to be his hands and feet.
Pastor Jr made a motion for Angel Dutton to officially be accepted as a Spiritual Director of the Deco T.E.C. ministry, Amber 2nd, all in favor, none opposed, motion carried.
Secretary's Report: Denny motioned to accept the July meeting minutes (7/22/23) as written, Nancy 2nd, all in favor, none opposed, motion carried.
Song and verse of weekend--OK by Josh Wilson and 1 Peter 5:6-7 will be added to the website.
Treasurer's Report: $2,394.41 was the ending balance of August, zoom was taken out and the remaining balance of September as of now is $2,332.46. Denny motioned to receive the treasurer's report, Breezy 2nd, all in favor, none opposed, motion carried.
Inventory Report: Still need to order Bibles, and purchase window paper. Will need candy and toilet paper.
Old Business: Bylaws- October 21, 2023 will be final meeting, then they will be released to the public.
New Business: Fall Weekend--1adult talk and 2 teen talks still need to be filled. possible people to fill all 3 positions. If we can't find musicians, JJ suggests a DJ set up so we can still have music. Budget for cooks is still set a $650.
Prayer Requests/Praise Reports: Nola Ervin-health is declining-prayer for healing if in God's will. Molly Ervin has a lump in her breast tissue-praying it's not cancerous. Denny's wrist- has been blessed with phenomenal health care through everything. Pastor Jr has the opportunity to take a group to Silver Lake-travel mercies. Julie Sharpe- cancer is back-prayers for her and her family. Breezy- homeschooling her son- peace.
Denny motioned to adjourn the meeting, Pastor Jr 2nd.
Closing Prayer: Pastor Jr
End Time: 3:22pm
Next Meeting: 10/21/23