Date:6/26/23 Time:6:08pm
Attendance: Denny Goff, Nancy Goff, Angel Dutton, Breezy Smith, Amber Povey, Christen Chapin, Tamberlynn Gibbs
President's Report: The Ministry is doing well, God has blessed us moving forward to touch lives for Jesus and share his love to others. We still need a Vice President and Treasurer.
JJ Rowell said that he is using KUMC for the fall weekend because it is the only church in the area available for the dates chosen and it's one of the only churches allowing outside ministries in.
Spiritual Director's Report: not present
Treasurer's Report: Beginning balance of May was $2,400.26, zoom took out $16.95, ending balance of 5/31/23 is $2/383.31.
Denny motioned to receive treasurer's report, Amber 2nd, all in favor, none opposed, motion carried.
Secretary's Report: Denny motioned to accept May's Minutes as written, Breezy 2nd, all in favor, none opposed, motion carried. P.O. Box needs to be renewed- Tamberlynn motioned to renew P.O. Box at the Grayling post office, Denny 2nd, all in favor, none opposed, motion carried.
Inventory Report: hasn't been up to Gaylord to ask the newspaper press about window paper rolls yet. Also need to purchase Bibles.
Old Business: Angel checked out the video chat app that was suggested previously and it did not function well enough for this group to use so we will continue to look for a free or cheaper app to use in place of zoom.
Bylaws: Anita typed up the board position descriptions. The Spiritual Director, Secretary, and Treasurer responsibilities were all accepted by the board but the Past President's responsibilities need to include that they are responsible for making sure that any bylaw changes are being recorded and are included in the final set of bylaws.
It was also suggested that at the January meetings, the Spiritual Director and the Past President do prayer installments for the new members/board position changes.
New Business: No new business.
Praise Reports/Prayer Requests: Adam Z.- upcoming court date- that any rulings are in his favor. Weekend 47, continued prayers for Pastor Todd- good health. Prayers for Tom M. and Stan V.'s families and friends as they have both passed. Tamberlynn is walking!!!- continue to pray for settling into their new home. Prayers for Aiden Parker- that he stays on God's path. A 15 year old- very confused, needs a Jesus moment- that he opens his heart to the Lord. Denny's church recently had 22 baptisms!!!! Angel was cleared of all cancers at her last doctor visits!!!! Christen met a girl who also recently accepted Jesus! Angel- 3 young teenage boys in her youth group- not knowing the lord- guidance for her in how to teach them.
Closing Prayer: Amber Povey
End Time:7:16pm
Next Meeting: Angel's house on 7/22/23
Denny motioned to adjourn meeting, Angel 2nd, all in favor, none opposed.