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February 2023

Date: 2/26/23         Time: 1:35pm         Opening Prayer: Breezy

Attendance: Angel Dutton, Breezy Smith, Amber Povey, Denny Goff, Nancy Goff, Christen Chapin


President’s Report: Ministry is going well, God has blessed us moving forward to touch lives for Jesus and share His love to others. Over the last year we have doubled our board members and have had the vision and guidance to move forward. Our by-laws have been revised and we will be setting a final meeting to review the final proposed changes and sent out to the community. We are still in need of a VP and I have received one nomination so far. JR Skiver was approved to be an SD for TEC, by the executive board.


Spiritual Director’s Report: Pastor Todd is absent due to health issues. He is still committed to the board but he is focusing on getting his health back on track at the moment. Prayers continue for peace and answers.


Secretary/Registrar/Webmaster/Historian’s Report: Accept 1/28/23 updated meeting minutes, Denny’s name was misspelled. Denny motioned, Christen 2nd, all in favor, none opposed, motion carried. Still need to update the website board members.


Inventory Report: Do not need any candy. Toby is going to spray down foams with microban, still plans to buy paper products on the Friday of the weekend. Need new button maker and supplies.


Treasury Report: Had to renew CCLI for $321 for the year. There is a cheaper one that might work out better for the ministry. The bank gave us a 501C3 and IRS/EIN numbers. The 501C3 doesn’t specify if we are under an umbrella for Northern or if we are under Muskegon. Deanna Block (Head Cook) was given the debit card to buy food for the weekend. Possibly not renew 501C3 when it has to be. Zoom subscription was taken out. $540 was deposited from the meeting and the $51 from the cooks of the fall weekend was deposited, so as of 2/18/23 our balance is 1,745.56. Denny motioned to receive the treasurers report, Amber 2nd, all in favor, none opposed, motion carried.


Old Business: Since August, Deanna Hagerman still has not been able to meet to take over treasury so we will need to find someone who will have the time to be in that position.


By-law Committee: March 10th at 6pm the committee presented the highlights and suggested changes and the board agreed upon them. We are now waiting for the revised copy to be done so we can have another meeting to go over the revised copy and if all is well then it will be sent out to the community for questions and concerns.


New Business: Weekend #46- We found a spiritual director, had one teen drop, Chisten’s youngest son will have recommendation letters as he is only 13, to see if he can attend the weekend. Pastor JR is going to give the sermon on the Sunday Morning of the weekend. We have one person who volunteered to serve the reflection dinner.


Prayer Requests/Praise Reports- The Asbury revival is spreading nationally and globally!! This is God pouring onto His people! Christen has been very unsatisfied with her job and the Lord blessed her with a new job that she is finding to be very happy with!

Christen’s daughter + family, Pastor Todd’s health, Weekend #46, Tamberlynn’s family and housing situation, and health, Gail Smith’s recovery from her back surgery, Kara’s sister-cancer treatments, Mike Law- had a stroke, Stan V.- pancreas, Mary- Amber’s gma is having heart surgery, Baby Willow- 1 year old having to go through cancer treatments, Dave and Caroline- travel mercies, their son has been having a rough go with his cancer journey as well, Suicide Epidemic-spiritual warfare- in the last week 4 people in Christen’s community have committed suicide. Nola Ervin’s stubbornness- that the Lord help her with it so she can get in better health. Muskegon T.E.C.- meeting soon to discuss rebuilding their secretariat.

Breezy motioned to adjourn meeting.

Closing Prayer: Amber     End Time: 2:45pm             Next Meeting: 3/25/23

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