Date: 4/15/23 Time:11:13am Opening Prayer: Breezy Smith
Attendance: Christen Chapin, Breezy Smith, Angel Dutton, Amber Povey, Nancy Goff, Tamberlynn Gibbs Guests: Jj Rowell, Shannon Rowell
President's Report: Time management on the weekends needs to be implemented better when it comes to talks, as this will mess up the whole flow of the weekend, remind talkistas at the meetings and make up time cards. We still need a vice president and a treasurer.
Spiritual Director's Report: Angel provided a devotion- Pray for the seed sowers. We don't know where seeds are planted but the Lord directs the seed sowers and we need to pray that they have the courage to be bold and not be bothered by the world.
Treasurer's Report: Balance of $2,720.21. $1,279 was deposited from the weekend. Check printed today for KUMC for the past 2 weekends of $300. Christen motioned to receive the report, Breezy 2nd, all in favor, none opposed.
Secretary's Report: Breezy motioned to accept meeting minutes as written, Nancy 2nd, all in favor, none opposed, motion carried. The website was updated and need to put #46 info in historian book. $192 website subscription needed to be renewed so I did so. Christen motioned to reimburse Amber for this amount, Nancy 2nd, all in favor, none opposed.
Inventory Report: Getting window paper, going to pick a nice day and sanitize foam pads. Order Bibles as well.
No new business.
Old Business: By-Laws: The revised version is finished everyone is encouraged to look over and a meeting to go over before releasing to the community will be held in May. Thank you Dan, Anita, and Breezy for being so helpful with this process.
Weekend #46 Report: The weekend went very well, the transformations that happened were amazing to see. We overcame many roadblocks. The donations made were amazing!!!
Weekend #47 Report: 2nd weekend of November, Jj Rowell will be the Director and Amber Povey will be his Co.
Closing Prayer: Amber End time: 12:19pm
Next Meeting: 5/20